
Monday, November 28, 2011

Black Friday Chegirmalari – Shoshiling!

BlackFridayda arzon savdo qilish uchun odamlar ne ko’ylarga tushishi ko’rsangiz edi. Bu ne mashmashaligini ko’rish uchun bugun birinchi marta men ham o’sha yerga bordim. Blak Friday Amerikda bayram faslining boshlanishini belgilab beradi, do’kondagi har bir tovarning narxi pasaytiriladi. Bu kunda do’konlar juda erta ochiladi. Odamlar esa do’kon eshiklari ochilishini kutib uzun-uzun qatorga tizilishadi. O’tgan yillarda do’kondagi narsalar uchun talashgan odamlar ham bo’lgan, hatto arzon narxga narsa sotib olaman deb o’lim hollari ham yuz bergan.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Review on The Zahir

The ZahirThe Zahir by Paulo Coelho
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A famous writer Coelho Paulo is my favorite writer. A few months ago, I read his novel called “The Zahir”. This novel also left a significant impact on me.
The novel is about finding true yourself in deep inside you.  The author himself calls it a novel of obsession. He himself says that he should not be opening up himself so much to public in the novel. However, that uncovering makes the novel interesting and unique.
Coelho is a good spiritual writer. In all his novels, he skillfully paves the way to climax through problems and gives solutions as elixir. However, in this novel, I do not agree with him partly in his solutions, but he brings up many good points or problems in a marriage.
Another aspect makes Coelho’s books bestseller is that his novels are full of new information, mostly unknown to common reader before. In “The Zahir”, epilepsy caught my interest. Even though I had information about epilepsy from my “Medical expertise in court cases” class in law school, I learned more interesting information through this novel. He made me watch “The Alice in Wonderland” over again. I also went through biographies of famous people in the history who had epilepsy.
Overall, the novel is written well.  A reader gets satisfaction through the author’s persuasion. I would recommend it to people who love reading. 

View all my reviews